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Hospital Infection Prevention: Principles And Practices

Hospital Infection Prevention: Principles And Practices

Author(s) :Chand Wattal and Nancy Khardori
The art of medicine becomes science when supported by evidence The recommended practices of infection prevention are based on scientific and epidemiologic evidence However most health care professionals see them as mandates and fail to incorporate them into their routin...
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Abstract Familial hypercholesterolaemia FH is one of the most common inherited autosomal dominant d...

Abstract The field of evaluative research in health is where several trends intersect The first of...

White Papers

Beyond Silos Meeting the Data Management Challenge A Deluge of Data Managing the volume of data no...

Summary An increase in the healthcare services portfolio combined with population growth ageing and...

Healthcare Events & Exhibitions

calendar-icon  21 - 22 Jun 2024

Global Cardiology and Healthcare Summit

location-iconDubai, United Arab Emirates

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